Using Sunlight to Cure the Quarantine Blues!

I’m sure that I’m not the only person who has been struggling during this unprecedented time in our lives. Not only do we have anxious feelings about potentially catching Covid-19, but studies have shown that staying inside for long periods of time can also be bad for your mental health! Personally, I made the mistake […]

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How much screen time is “too much”?

I’m sure that every parent has some experience with the dreaded topic of “screen time.” Almost every child I know has some kind of electronic device such as a tablet or a phone.  My own household has had it’s “screen time” drama, when I had to pry my 9-year-old daughter’s tablet out of her hands […]

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Tips for Managing a Busy Family

We live in a busy world full of seemingly non-stop appointments and commitments.  Most families must live in a two-income household in order to afford the current cost-of-living.  This means that parents deal with getting their children to and from school, doctor’s appointments, after-school activities, getting homework done, and getting dinner on the table on […]

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The “Perfect” Parent

Most of the parents that I know are way too hard on themselves and constantly worrying about their abilities as a parent.  We check our children’s grades and if we consider them below standard than we wonder what we have done to fail them.  We look at their messy rooms and think “where did I go wrong?”  More […]

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Getting Ready for Back to School!

Summertime is quickly coming to an end and it’s time to start getting our kids ready to go back to school. Some parents are overjoyed at this time of year, ready to get back to school routines and saving money on childcare costs.  Other parents are more stressed as it means extra work in the […]

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